Labforward Blog

Labforward - Labforward's Latest Product Features - Summer 2023

Written by Jenny Giannini | Jul 19, 2023 3:52:09 PM

Labforward’s Latest Product Features:

Exciting Releases and a Sneak Peek into What’s Next

Most exciting features released this spring

[Labfolder] – Projects Page
With the new projects page, users can enhance their project management by conveniently searching for and navigating between their project directories. We have also enhanced the search and filtering experience by introducing a dedicated page for filtering results.




[Labregister] – Category update via Excel files
Users now have the ability to update item values in a Category by importing an Excel file. This eliminates the need to manually update existing items within a Category, one by one.



[Laboperator] – Thresholds
Users now have the option to set thresholds for any integrated device channel. For instance, if you wish to maintain your fridge temperature between 2 and 6°C , you can define that threshold. If the temperature exceeds 6°C for a specified duration, you will receive a notification. Additionally, different levels of alerts are available, from warnings to critical alerts.





[Laboperator] – Workflow Editor: Extended Schema Support: This feature supports the creation of workflow templates by allowing the user to set up field structures. Fields act as a data storage variable and support various types of data manipulation and retrieval during workflow execution. For example, a field could represent mass (a “Number” field) obtained from a scale. In a later step of the workflow, that field may be recalled and referenced to calculate molarity. Overall, the Field Editor is another step towards providing a seamless experience during drag-and-drop workflow creation.

In case you have not yet heard of Laboperator’s Workflow Editor, the Workflow Editor is a companion app to Laboperator, allowing users to translate their lab protocols into a series of digitalized steps.


[Laboperator] – Dashboard Scope Improvements: Changing the scope of a line chart has been made more intuitive. Now, you can change the live scope of a chart directly via the dashboard element, with easily accessible pre-set values, or highlight specific data by selecting a custom range.




Upcoming features to look forward to

[Labfolder] – Collaborative Authoring
We are looking forward to introducing multi-author entry editing to Labfolder soon. With this feature, users will be able to effortlessly contribute their input to experiment write-ups, easily collaborate with remote team members, and make corrections without the need for additional communication channels, fostering smoother and more efficient collaboration.

[Labregister] – Unified Navigation Experience
In a collaborative effort across all products, we are excited to announce that the Labregister navigation menu will soon undergo a redesign to match the intuitive and user-friendly style of the Labfolder navigation menu. This harmonization will enhance the overall fluidity of the applications, ensuring a seamless user experience.

[Labregister] -Asynchronous category update via Excel files
We are also looking forward to enhancing Labregister by introducing asynchronous category updates via Excel files. Building off of Labregister’s new “Category update via Excel” function, users will be able to continue their work while their data is being integrated, saving valuable time and improving productivity.

[Laboperator] – Improved Navigation and Device Enrolment Experience
Making it easier to navigate within Laboperator through starred resources, homepage design improvements, and an easier way to connect devices within the application.

We aim for our products to provide scientists with the best possible experience and ensure that we are offering features to further optimize our users’ data documentation, experimental planning, and workflow execution. As always, we would be delighted to hear your feedback, so please feel free to submit thoughts or ideas to



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