Learn how scientists can use their voice to quickly and accurately record the location and outcome of every well on a 96-well, or even a 284-well plate.
Learn how to schedule equipment checks and harvest times, monitor culture temperatures and document microbial colony growth, hands-free, in real time, from anywhere in the lab. Analyze growth curves, update protocols and optimize your routine, just by using your voice.
Learn how to document, analyze and optimize each stage of material production, hands-free and in real time. Achieve faster and more efficient material production, saving time and money, and advancing experiments.
Learn how to safely annotate microscopic findings by simply using your voice. Comply with GxP regulations to move from R&D feasibility to commercialization.
Learn how to use LabTwin to track unexpected measurements and deviations, make last-minute on-the-fly observations, and streamline your data management in your quality control process.
Learn how LabTwin’s voice-powered features can support you with hands-free documentation when performing Molecular Biology SOPs, and embrace Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) in R&D.
Shorten the duration of preclinical studies by timestamping all in vivo measurements and steps, define the dose and concentrations of compounds to reach validation earlier, move into clinical trials faster and launch commercialization.
Go beyond ensuring sample purity by increasing specificity, precision and accuracy of recorded data, remaining GMP-compliant and reaching your market faster without delays.
Make changes on-the-go, note amendments, save protocol deviations and streamline your SOPs in every experiment and lab!
Learn how to create holistic report by integrating information from GLP and GMP documents from several platforms.
Use a digital lab assistant to record every step of your sample preparation, ensure all measurements are trackable and secure, determine the right technique for every analyte and champion GxP from the very beginning.
Adopt the new digitized protocols for Covid-19 testing, recover pure and intact RNA from your samples, quantify the viral load, streamline sampling, and deliver results to flatten the curve!
Optimize cell culture work at the hood, streamline cell count, schedule medium replacement times, access protocols, and track drug candidates, all hands-free, to speed up your discovery process.
GLP made easy - listen to your SOPs and record experimental data simply by talking to LabTwin.
Perform accurate COVID-19 serology assays, get valuable insights about each infection, complement the clinical sample profile, and build up your case report!
Leverage a digital lab assistant to efficiently train a new colleague by creating on-the-go interactive protocols enriched with images and extra instructions.