Maryna is a scientists at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine where she performs research on single-cell transcriptomics analysis and human brain organoids. We sat down with Maryna to hear how LabTwin helps her focus on innovative biomedical experiments and cutting-edge data science.
While working at the bench in the wet-lab I use basic software tools for making calculations, Mendeley for literature reviews, and computational biology tools for data analysis.
At the institution where I do my research I use cloud storage for managing files and paper notebooks to track experiments.
It would be nice to have a tool to help me automate routine-tasks and master time optimization during my research. Likewise, it would be beneficial to get software with better user interface when it comes to data management.
I liked the concept of a voice-powered digital lab assistant to empower scientists with their research at the point of experimentation. On those grounds, I decided to join the Twenty Nine and support LabTwin in co-creating this tool for the lab of the future.
Culture work, including eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, as well as diverse microscopy-related applications.
LabTwin could provide us with safety, which is one of the main scientific research pillars in the institution where I work. In addition, time saving would also be beneficial given the current time constrains and the pace of science in research centers. Lastly, comfort, in regard to eliminating the worries about logistics and allowing scientist to focus on content.
I believe that LabTwin will have very impactful results when it comes to automating repetitive and routine tasks, which are time consuming and prone to human error.