White papers


The purpose of a white paper is to provide an informational document giving factual or technical evidence to demonstrate actions to overcome a problem. Our white papers give technical information and guidance on the regulations that are often implemented in laboratories.

Within these white papers common questions and requirements are discussed in detail, as well as the ways in which our solutions can improve research documentation, inventory oversight and execution of workflows. While security concerns are addressed in some of these white papers we also have a dedicated security center which discloses security updates that we have implemented to safeguard your data.

  • Labforward White Papers
  • Labfolder White Papers
  • Applications notes
Labforward White Papers

Our White Papers:

Bringing Sustainability into the Laboratory..

This White Paper provides a comprehensive overview of the aspects of sustainability and how they apply to laboratories, describes barriers and incentives surrounding sustainability, and outlines the actions we are taking to help laboratories become more sustainable.

How Labforward protects personal data in compliance with the GDPR.

This White Paper outlines the principles of the GDPR and details everything Labforward GmbH is doing to ensure data protection and compliance in line with the GDPR.

Pharma Data Theft on the Rise: Protecting your Data in the Digital Age

Pharma, Healthcare, Biotech and other sectors in R&D are increasingly becoming the targets of hackers. It’s now more important than ever before to stay vigilant against cybersecurity threats and implement comprehensive information security strategies.

Labforward’s IT security policy

At Labforward, data protection and IT security have been our priority since the beginning. We are committed to implementing best-in-class information security measures and we also consider this to be an essential aspect of our business.

Labfolder White Papers

Our White Papers:

Digital lab management in ISO certified laboratories

This White Paper discusses the ISO Standards that are relevant to laboratory work, the principles that govern quality management systems and how the requirements can be fulfilled and made easier with Labfolder’s lab notebook.

FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 technical requirements and Labfolder

This White Paper reviews the sections of the 21 CFR part 11 regulations which are relevant to electronic systems, also pointing out how the Labfolder ELN software implements these technical requirements.

Intellectual Property Protection

This White Paper describes the legal system of European Patent Office, the legal system of United States Patent and Trademark Office as well as the benefits digital laboratory notebooks provide in regard to patenting.

GLP Compliance

This White Paper tells you about the requirements imposed on digital systems for documenting, archiving and processing of laboratory data in a GLP-certified environment.

Practical Lab Courses

This White Paper outlines how Labfolder may be used for the preparation, set-up, distribution and conduct of practical laboratory practices.

User Management

This White Paper outlines the process of user account creation and management, and includes details of group membership.

Portability of Data

This White Paper goes into detail about how data in Labfolder’s ELN can be exported and shared, using its ease of portability.

Applications notes

Application notes:

Consecutive Sample Weighing for Solution Formulation & Analytical Chemistry

This application note assesses the benefits of digital workflow implementation over traditional pen-and-paper recording.