August 30, 2022


Our Fullstack Engineer Ramon, has moved all the way from Brazil to join our ever-growing Labforward team. Find out how he’s adjusting to life in Berlin and what he likes about working as an Engineer for Labforward!

Tell us about yourself? 

Hi, I’m Ramon and I’m from the north-east of Brazil. I’ve always wanted to work in a foreign country, as before coming to Germany I had never been outside of Brazil before. While Germany was not in my original plan, when I got the offer from Labforward I jumped at the opportunity as the company culture really appealed to me. Moving across the world to Berlin was definitely a culture shock. I arrived in March this year, and have been settling in quite well. While there are things that I miss about Brazil, (the food mainly) the summer in Berlin has been really nice. Whereas Brazil is humid, in Germany it’s quite a dry heat, which I prefer, but I must admit that I’m not looking forward to the winter months! I’m currently in the process of finishing my thesis in Computer Science, so I dedicate quite a lot of time to that. I also love being creative, I’ve entered into many short story contests and want to do more writing when I’m here in Germany. Otherwise I am trying to get back into old habits and set up hobbies in Berlin. 


Since being here I’ve been able to cycle and go to the gym, but I’d really like to get back into doing parkour. Luckily Berlin offers such a diverse range of activities, so there’s always something to do! I’m keen to head down to the south of Germany and go climbing and hiking – something I also got to experience at our company offsite this year!

Why did you join Labforward? 

When I was looking for a job I knew I really wanted to work for a company where I liked the overall mission. Working for a bank for example just does not excite me. When I met Labforward and saw the products I realized that this was the place I wanted to work. This feeling was further solidified when I met the people and saw firsthand the culture, it was a real match. For me that’s so important, as I can’t work my best in environments where I don’t feel comfortable. I always need something that is delivering on close to what I believe in. I’ll admit, at first I thought that I’d be predominantly working with people from Germany at Labforward, however in reality we are a very international team, and I think that’s what makes Labforward an even more attractive place to work!


What is your main role?

I am working as a Fullstack Developer so I typically work in both the backend and the frontend. I’m part of the File Object Storage team so this means I work on all our products. So far I’ve only worked with Labfolder and Labregister but as I’m more of a person who travels amongst teams trying to connect them, I expect I will be working with Laboperator too at some point. I’ve wanted to work with computers since I was 12 years old and saw what you could do with one. I’m really happy working in software development because there’s a new challenge every day!

What excites you about your job?

I really like the problem solving component of coding. Right now in the platform team the job is more about infrastructure and as I don’t have as much experience with this it’s given me the opportunity to learn. I’ve had fantastic guidance from Gilvan and Julian, which has helped me learn the skills I want to acquire and I like how working for Labforward I’m being actively encouraged to do so. Now I’m working with all the products, it’s been quite challenging but also really rewarding and insightful. I work with people across departments and that’s really nice as I get to know more people in the company and I can exchange experiences with them.

What book would you read for the first time again?

The hobbit, because when I read it for the first time I was much younger it gave me a feeling of exploration and adventure. In the book Bilbo is going on a journey and so it gave me the urge to travel, and it taught me to set up my goals to get freedom, go abroad and explore.

Tell us something about you that is surprising/unique!

When I was younger I didn’t want to just work with computers, I also wanted to be an actor. I was a member of a theatre group and I even won awards when I was young. It’s quite the career change, but just goes to show how there’s no “fixed personality” type for engineers!