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     Trends for 2022 (Volume and Types)

    Trends for 2022 (Volume and Types)

    There’s no doubt about it. AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been the buzzword for 2021 and looks to be an even bigger focus in 2022. But there are also several other trends that..

     Drive digital adoption with user-friendly lab informatics interface

    Drive digital adoption with user-friendly lab informatics interface

    Successful lab digitalization requires adoption of lab informatics systems The story of recent years is the story of the increasing importance – and the increasing quantity – of..

     DSM rolls out Labtwin's AI and voice powered digital lab assistant

    DSM rolls out Labtwin's AI and voice powered digital lab assistant

    Today, Royal DSM N.V., a global company specializing in health, nutrition, and sustainable living, and LabTwin GmbH, the leading voice and AI-powered digital lab assistant,..

     Why Alexa’s failure is of no concern for Digital Lab Assistants

    Why Alexa’s failure is of no concern for Digital Lab Assistants

    What is happening with Alexa: the facts It’s all over the news: like many other tech companies, Amazon is laying off a thousand of employees and most of the eliminated jobs are..

     LabTwin & Revvity Signals Partner for Real-Time Data Capture

    LabTwin & Revvity Signals Partner for Real-Time Data Capture

    We are excited to announce our partnership with Revvity Signals, which begins with integrating our voice-powered digital lab assistant with their Signals™ Notebook, a leading..

     An Open API to integrate Lab Informatics and make Data Accessible

    An Open API to integrate Lab Informatics and make Data Accessible

    Working with multiple different labs or groups often means using different computer platforms. This can make working together difficult because data can be entered in very..

    Save time and improve data

    See LabTwin in Action.