Team Lead Growth

Jenny Giannini


 labforward Merges with LabTwin

labforward Merges with LabTwin

labforward has merged with LabTwin, the leading voice-powered digital lab assistant designed for scientists to enable real-time data capture.

 Labfolder’s New Collaborative Authoring Feature

Labfolder’s New Collaborative Authoring Feature

Introducing Labfolder’s New Collaborative Authoring Feature! Foster smoother collaboration & work on entries together with your teammates

 Labforward’s Latest Product Features – Summer 2023

Labforward’s Latest Product Features – Summer 2023

Labforward’s Latest Product Features: Exciting Releases and a Sneak Peek into What’s Next

 Introducing: Two-Step Verification

Introducing: Two-Step Verification

Labforward release: Add an additional layer of security by enabling two-step verification on your Labforward account

 Introducing: Labregister Advanced Search

Introducing: Labregister Advanced Search

Labforward release: Find your inventory items with ease using Labregister Advanced Search

 Cloud vs Server – where should you store your data?

Cloud vs Server – where should you store your data?

Data is the cornerstone of scientific discovery and a highly valuable resource for scientists. Therefore, it can become extremely disruptive and have significant repercussions..

 Unified Access to Labforward Solutions with IAM

Unified Access to Labforward Solutions with IAM

We’ve just released an exciting major improvement to the way you access Labforward solutions: Identity and Access Management (IAM). This new system will consolidate login to our..

 In the Spotlight: Elementa Labs

In the Spotlight: Elementa Labs

The voice assistant for your ELN

 The Importance of Data Reproducibility

The Importance of Data Reproducibility

We discuss how by putting the relevant process in place in your, you can minimize risk and improve data reproducibility in your lab.